/ Dictionary / Index S strand: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: strand Pronunciation: (strand), [key] — v.t. to drive or leave (a ship, fish, etc.) aground or ashore: The receding tide stranded the whale. (usually used in the passive) to bring into or leave in a helpless position: He was stranded in the middle of nowhere. —v.i. to be driven or left ashore; run aground. to be halted or struck by a difficult situation: He stranded in the middle of his speech. —n. the land bordering the sea, a lake, or a river; shore; beach. strand Pronunciation: (strand), [key] — n. one of a number of fibers, threads, or yarns that are plaited or twisted together to form a rope, cord, or the like. a similar part of a wire rope. a rope made of such twisted or plaited fibers. a fiber or filament, as in animal or plant tissue. a thread or threadlike part of anything: the strands of a plot. a tress of hair. a string of pearls, beads, etc. —v.t. to form (a rope, cable, etc.) by twisting strands together. to break one or more strands of (a rope). Strand Pronunciation: (strand), [key] — n. born 1934, U.S. poet, born in Canada: U.S. poet laureate 1990–91. 1890–1976, U.S. photographer and documentary-film producer. a street parallel to the Thames, in W central London, England: famous for hotels and theaters. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: strand (Thesaurus) stramonium stranded Related Content Daily Word Quiz: quandary Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language