stride: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (strīd), [key]
— v., n. strode, strid•den strid•ing,
  1. to walk with long steps, as with vigor, haste, impatience, or arrogance.
  2. to take a long step: to stride across a puddle.
  3. to straddle.
  1. to walk with long steps along, on, through, over, etc.: to stride the deck.
  2. to pass over or across in one long step: to stride a ditch.
  3. to straddle.
  1. a striding manner or a striding gait.
  2. a long step in walking.
  3. (in animal locomotion) the act of progressive movement completed when all the feet are returned to the same relative position as at the beginning.
  4. the distance covered by such a movement: He was walking a stride or two ahead of the others.
  5. a regular or steady course, pace, etc.
  6. a step forward in development or progress: rapid strides in mastering algebra.
  7. The quarterback didn't hit his stride until the second half of the game.
    1. to achieve a regular or steady pace or course.
    2. to reach the point or level at which one functions most competently and consistently:The quarterback didn't hit his stride until the second half of the game.
  8. trousers.
  9. to deal with calmly; cope with successfully: She was able to take her sudden rise to fame in stride.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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