Pronunciation: (n.sin'di-kitv.sin'di-kāt&sec), [key] — n., v., -cat•ed, -cat•ing.
—n. - a group of individuals or organizations combined or making a joint effort to undertake some specific duty or carry out specific transactions or negotiations: The local furniture store is individually owned, but is part of a buying syndicate.
- a combination of bankers or capitalists formed for the purpose of carrying out some project requiring large resources of capital, as the underwriting of an issue of stock or bonds.
- an agency that buys articles, stories, columns, photographs, comic strips, or other features and distributes them for simultaneous publication in a number of newspapers or periodicals in different localities. Cf.boiler plate(def. 2).
- a business organization owning and operating a number of newspapers; newspaper chain.
- a group, combination, or association of gangsters controlling organized crime or one type of crime, esp. in one region of the country.
- a council or body of syndics.
- a local organization of employers or employees in Italy during the Fascist regime.
—v.t. - to combine into a syndicate.
- to publish simultaneously, or supply for simultaneous publication, in a number of newspapers or other periodicals in different places: Her column is syndicated in 120 papers.
- to sell (a program, series, etc.) directly to independent stations.
- to sell shares in or offer participation in the financial sharing of (a risk venture, loan, or the like): to syndicate a racehorse among speculators; to syndicate a loan among several banks.
—v.i. - to combine to form a syndicate.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.