Pronunciation: (tu-b', ta-), [key] — adj., n., pl. v., -boos, -booed, -boo•ing.
—adj. - proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable: taboo words.
- (among the Polynesians and other peoples of the South Pacific) separated or set apart as sacred; forbidden for general use; placed under a prohibition or ban.
—n. - a prohibition or interdiction of anything; exclusion from use or practice.
- (among the Polynesians and other peoples of the South Pacific)
- the system, practice, or act whereby things are set apart as sacred, forbidden for general use, or placed under a prohibition or interdiction.
- the condition of being so set apart, forbidden, or interdicted.
- exclusion from social relations; ostracism.
—v.t. - to put under a taboo; prohibit or forbid.
- to ostracize (a person, group, etc.).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.