Pronunciation: (tak'ul or, for 2–4, tā'kul), [key]
— n., v., -led, -ling.
equipment, apparatus, or gear, esp. for fishing: fishing tackle.
a mechanism or apparatus, as a rope and block or a combination of ropes and blocks, for hoisting, lowering, and shifting objects or materials; purchase.
any system of leverage using several pulleys.
the gear and running rigging for handling a ship or performing some task on a ship.
an act of tackling, as in football; a seizing, grasping, or bringing down.
either of the linemen stationed between a guard and an end.
the position played by this lineman.
(formerly) tack (def. 8).
to undertake to handle, master, solve, etc.: to tackle a difficult problem.
to deal with (a person) on some problem, issue, etc.
to harness (a horse).
to seize, stop, or throw down (a ball-carrier).
to block or impede the movement or progress of (an opponent having the ball) with the result of depriving the opponent of the ball.