Pronunciation: (tag), [key] — n., v., tagged, tag•ging.
—n. - a piece or strip of strong paper, plastic, metal, leather, etc., for attaching by one end to something as a mark or label: The price is on the tag.
- any small hanging or loosely attached part or piece; tatter.
- a loop of material sewn on a garment so that it can be hung up.
- a metal or plastic tip at the end of a shoelace, cord, or the like.
- a license plate for a motor vehicle.
- a small piece of tinsel or the like tied to the shank of a hook at the body of an artificial fly.
- the tail end or concluding part, as of a proceeding.
- the last words of a speech, scene, act, etc., as in a play; a curtain line.
- sentinel (def. 3).
- an addition to a speech or writing, as the moral of a fable.
- a quotation added for special effect.
- a descriptive word or phrase applied to a person, group, organization, etc., as a label or means of identification; epithet.
- a trite phrase or saying; cliché.
- a person's name, nickname, initials, monogram, or symbol.
- See(def. 1).
- a traffic ticket.
- a curlicue in writing.
- a lock of hair.
- a matted lock of wool on a sheep.
- the white tip of the tail of a fox.
- the rabble.
—v.t. - to furnish with a tag or tags; attach a tag to.
- to append as a tag, addition, or afterthought to something else.
- to attach or give an epithet to; label.
- to accuse of a violation, esp. of a traffic law; give a traffic ticket to: He was tagged for speeding. The police officer tagged the cars for overtime parking.
- to hold answerable or accountable for something; attach blame to: The pitcher was tagged with the loss of the game.
- to set a price on; fix the cost of: The dealer tagged the boat at $500 less than the suggested retail price.
- to write graffiti on.
- to follow closely: I tagged him to an old house on the outskirts of town.
- to remove the tags of wool from (a sheep).
—v.i. - to follow closely; go along or about as a follower: to tag after someone; to tag along behind someone.
- to write graffiti.
Pronunciation: (tag), [key] — n., v., tagged, tag•ging.
—n. - a children's game in which one player chases the others in an effort to touch one of them, who then takes the role of pursuer.
- an act or instance of tagging a base runner.
—v.t. - to touch in or as if in the game of tag.
- They tagged him for two hits in the first and three hits and two runs in the third.
- to touch (a base runner) with the ball held in the hand or glove.
- to hit (a pitched ball) solidly.
- to make a number of hits or runs as specified in batting against (a pitcher):They tagged him for two hits in the first and three hits and two runs in the third.
- to strike (an opponent) with a powerful blow.
- (of a base runner) to touch the base occupied before attempting to advance a base, after the catch of a fly ball: He tagged up and scored from third on a long fly to center.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.