Pronunciation: (tan), [key] — v., n., adj., tanned, tan•ning, tan•ner, tan•nest.
—v.t. - to convert (a hide) into leather, esp. by soaking or steeping in a bath prepared from tanbark or synthetically.
- to make brown by exposure to ultraviolet rays, as of the sun.
- to thrash; spank.
—v.i. - to become tanned.
- to beat someone soundly: She threatened to tan our hides if she found us on her property again.
—n. - the brown color imparted to the skin by exposure to the sun or open air.
- yellowish brown; light brown.
- tanbark.
—adj. - of the color of tan; yellowish-brown.
- used in or relating to tanning processes, materials, etc.
Pronunciation: (tan), [key] — n.
- tangent (def. 5b).
Pronunciation: (tan), [key] - born 1952, U.S. novelist.
Pronunciation: (tan), [key] — n.
- tax-anticipation note.
— Symbol, Trig.
- arc tangent.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.