Pronunciation: (thingk), [key] — v., adj., n. thought, think•ing,
—v.i. - to have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering experiences, making rational decisions, etc.
- to employ one's mind rationally and objectively in evaluating or dealing with a given situation: Think carefully before you begin.
- to have a certain thing as the subject of one's thoughts: I was thinking about you. We could think of nothing else.
- to call something to one's conscious mind: I couldn't think of his phone number.
- to consider something as a possible action, choice, etc.: She thought about cutting her hair.
- to invent or conceive of something: We thought of a new plan.
- to have consideration or regard for someone: Think of others first.
- to esteem a person or thing as indicated: to think badly of someone.
- to have a belief or opinion as indicated: I think so.
- (of a device or machine, esp. a computer) to use artificial intelligence to perform an activity analogous to human thought.
—v.t. - to have or form in the mind as an idea, conception, etc.
- to consider for evaluation or for possible action upon: Think the deal over.
- to regard as specified: He thought me unkind.
- to believe to be true of someone or something: to think evil of the neighbors.
- to analyze or evolve rationally: to think the problem out.
- to have as a plan or intention: I thought that I would go.
- to anticipate or expect: I did not think to find you here.
- to change one's mind about; reconsider: She considered emigrating to Australia, but thought better of it.
- to consider advisable or appropriate: By all means, take a vacation if you think fit.
- See(def. 17).
- When one thinks of what the future may bring, one is both worried and hopeful.
- to conceive of; imagine.
- to have an opinion or judgment of.
- to consider; anticipate:When one thinks of what the future may bring, one is both worried and hopeful.
- He thought out a plan for saving time.
- to think about until a conclusion is reached; understand or solve by thinking.
- to devise by thinking; contrive:He thought out a plan for saving time.
- to weigh carefully before acting; consider: I would think twice before taking on such a responsibility.
- to devise or contrive by thinking: Can you think up an arrangement of furniture for this room?
—adj. - of or pertaining to thinking or thought.
- stimulating or challenging to the intellect or mind:Cf. the think book of the year.
—n. - the act or a period of thinking: I want to sit down and give it a good think.
Pronunciation: (thingk), [key] — thought, think•ing.
- to seem or appear (usually used impersonally with a dative as the subject). Cf.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.