Pronunciation: (tīd), [key] — n., v., tid•ed, tid•ing.
—n. - the periodic rise and fall of the waters of the ocean and its inlets, produced by the attraction of the moon and sun, and occurring about every 12 hours.
- the inflow, outflow, or current of water at any given place resulting from the waves of tides.
- See
- a stream or current.
- anything that alternately rises and falls, increases and decreases, etc.: the tide of the seasons.
- current, tendency, or drift, as of events or ideas: the tide of international events.
- any extreme or critical period or condition: The tide of her illness is at its height.
- a season or period in the course of the year, day, etc. (now used chiefly in combination): wintertide; eventide.
- a period of time that includes and follows an anniversary, festival, etc.
- a suitable time or occasion.
- an extent of time.
- to reverse the course of events, esp. from one extreme to another: The Battle of Saratoga turned the tide of the American Revolution.
—v.i. - to flow as the tide; flow to and fro.
- to float or drift with the tide.
—v.t. - to carry, as the tide does.
- to assist in getting over a period of difficulty or distress.
- to surmount (a difficulty, obstacle, etc.); survive.
Pronunciation: (tīd), [key] — tid•ed, tid•ing.
- to happen or befall.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.