Pronunciation: (tin'sul), [key] — n., adj., v., -seled, -sel•ing -selled, -sel•ling.
—n. - a glittering metallic substance, as copper or brass, in thin sheets, used in pieces, strips, threads, etc., to produce a sparkling effect cheaply.
- a metallic yarn, usually wrapped around a core yarn of silk, rayon, or cotton, for weaving brocade or lamé.
- anything showy or attractive with little or no real worth; showy pretense: The actress was tired of the fantasy and tinsel of her life.
- a fabric, formerly in use, of silk or wool interwoven with threads of gold, silver, or, later, copper.
—adj. - consisting of or containing tinsel.
- showy; gaudy; tawdry.
—v.t. - to adorn with tinsel.
- to adorn with anything glittering.
- to make showy or gaudy.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.