Pronunciation: (tôrk), [key] — n., v., torqued, torqu•ing.
—n. - something that produces or tends to produce torsion or rotation; the moment of a force or system of forces tending to cause rotation.
- the measured ability of a rotating element, as of a gear or shaft, to overcome turning resistance.
- the rotational effect on plane-polarized light passing through certain liquids or crystals.
- a collar, necklace, or similar ornament consisting of a twisted narrow band, usually of precious metal, worn esp. by the ancient Gauls and Britons.
—v.t. - to apply torque to (a nut, bolt, etc.).
- to cause to rotate or twist.
—v.i. - to rotate or twist.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.