Pronunciation: (tred), [key] — v., n. trod, trod•den trod, tread•ing,
—v.i. - to set down the foot or feet in walking; step; walk.
- to step, walk, or trample so as to press, crush, or injure something (usually fol. by on or upon): to tread on a person's foot.
- (of a male bird) to copulate.
—v.t. - to step or walk on, about, in, or along.
- to trample or crush underfoot.
- to form by the action of walking or trampling: to tread a path.
- to treat with disdainful harshness or cruelty; crush; oppress.
- to perform by walking or dancing: to tread a measure.
- (of a male bird) to copulate with (a female bird).
- to offend or irritate someone.
- to act on the stage, esp. professionally: He recalled the days when he had trod the boards.
- He's just treading water here until he can find another job.
- maintain the body erect in the water with the head above the surface usually by a pumping up-and-down movement of the legs and sometimes the arms.
- make efforts that maintain but do not further one's status, progress, or performance:He's just treading water here until he can find another job.
—n. - the action of treading, stepping, or walking.
- the sound of footsteps.
- manner of treading or walking.
- a single step as in walking.
- any of various things or parts on which a person or thing treads, stands, or moves.
- the part of the under surface of the foot or of a shoe that touches the ground.
- the horizontal upper surface of a step in a stair, on which the foot is placed.
- the part of a wheel, tire, or runner that bears on the road, rail, etc. See diag. under tire.
- the pattern raised on or cut into the face of a rubber tire.
- See caterpillar tread.
- that part of a rail in contact with the treads of wheels.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.