triangle: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (trī'ang"gul), [key]
— n.
  1. a closed plane figure having three sides and three angles.
  2. a flat triangular piece, usually of plastic, with straight edges, used in connection with a T square for drawing perpendicular lines, geometric figures, etc.
  3. any three-cornered or three-sided figure, object, or piece: a triangle of land.
  4. a musical percussion instrument that consists of a steel triangle, open at one corner, that is struck with a steel rod.
  5. a group of three; triad.
  6. a situation involving three persons, esp. one in which two of them are in love with the third.
  7. (cap.) the constellation Triangulum.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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