Pronunciation: (n., adj.trip'li-kit, -kāt"v.trip'li-kāt"), [key] — n., v., adj. -cat•ed, -cat•ing,
—n. - one of three identical items, esp. copies of typewritten material.
- This letter should be done in triplicate.
- in three identical copies:This letter should be done in triplicate.
- threefold:That goes for me, too, in triplicate.
—v.t. - to make threefold; triple.
- to make in triplicate: to triplicate a report before releasing it.
—adj. - produced in or consisting of three copies or parts; threefold; triple: triplicate contracts.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.