Pronunciation: (tûr'tl), [key] — n., pl. v., -tles, -tle, -tled, -tling.
—n. - any reptile of the order Testudines, comprising aquatic and terrestrial species having the trunk enclosed in a shell consisting of a dorsal carapace and a ventral plastron.
- (not used technically) an aquatic turtle as distinguished from a terrestrial one. Cf.(def. 1).
- Several of the cars turned turtle in the course of the race.
- Naut.to capsize or turn over completely in foundering.
- to overturn; upset:Several of the cars turned turtle in the course of the race.
—v.i. - to catch turtles, esp. as a business.
Pronunciation: (tûr'tl), [key] — n. Archaic.
- a turtledove.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.