Pronunciation: (n.wôr'un-tē, wor'-v.wôr&secun-tē', wor&sec-), [key] — n., pl. v., -ties, -tied, -ty•ing.
—n. - an act or an instance of warranting; assurance; authorization; warrant.
- an express warranty of the quality of goods.
- a stipulation, explicit or implied, in assurance of some particular in connection with a contract, as of sale:an express warranty of the quality of goods.
- Also calledcovenant of warranty.a covenant in a deed to land by which the party conveying assures the grantee that he or she will enjoy the premises free from interference by any person claiming under a superior title. Cf.quitclaim deed, warranty deed.
- (in the law of insurance) a statement or promise, made by the party insured, and included as an essential part of the contract, falsity or nonfulfillment of which renders the policy void.
- a judicial document, as a warrant or writ.
- a written guarantee given to the purchaser of a new appliance, automobile, or other item by the manufacturer or dealer, usually specifying that the manufacturer will make any repairs or replace defective parts free of charge for a stated period of time.
—v.t. - to provide a manufacturer's or dealer's warranty for: The automaker warranties its new cars against exterior rust.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.