Pronunciation: (wē'zul), [key] — n., pl. v. -sels, -sel,
—n. - any small carnivore of the genus Mustela, of the family Mustelidae, having a long, slender body and feeding chiefly on small rodents.
- any of various similar animals of the family Mustelidae.
- a cunning, sneaky person.
- a tracked vehicle resembling a tractor, used in snow.
- an informer; stool pigeon.
—v.i. - to evade an obligation, duty, or the like; renege (often fol. by out): That's one invitation I'd like to weasel out of.
- to use weasel words; be ambiguous; mislead: Upon cross-examination the witness began to weasel.
- to inform.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.