Pronunciation: (wûr'ē), [key] — adj., n., pl. -thi•er, -thi•est, -thies.
—adj. - having adequate or great merit, character, or value: a worthy successor.
- of commendable excellence or merit; deserving: a book worthy of praise; a person worthy to lead.
—n. - a person of eminent worth, merit, or position: The town worthies included two doctors.
- a combining form ofoccurring in adjectives that have the general sense “deserving of, fit for” (blameworthy; newsworthy; noteworthy; trustworthy), “capable of travel in or on” (airworthy; roadworthy; seaworthy), as specified by the first word of the compound.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.