English Literature, 1500 to 1799: Biographies
- Addison, Joseph
- Akenside, Mark
- Alabaster, William
- Alexander, Sir William
- Anstey, Christopher
- Arblay, Madame D'
- Arbuthnot, John
- Aubrey, John
- Austen, Jane
- Ayton, Sir Robert
- Bale, John
- Bannatyne, George
- Barbauld, Anna Letitia (Aikin)
- Barclay, Alexander
- Barnes, Barnabe
- Barnfield, Richard
- Beattie, James
- Beaumont, Francis
- Beckford, William
- Behn, Aphra
- Berners, John Bourchier, 2D Baron
- Bickerstaff, Isaac
- Bickerstaffe, Isaac
- Blair, Robert
- Boswell, James
- Brathwaite, Richard
- Breton, Nicholas
- Brome, Richard
- Brooke, Fulke Greville, 1St Baron
- Brooke, Henry
- Browne, Sir Thomas
- Browne, William
- Buckhurst, Lord
- Budgell, Eustace
- Bunyan, John
- Burnett, James
- Burney, Fanny
- Burns, Robert
- Burton, Robert
- Butler, Samuel, 1612–80, English Poet And Satirist
- Byrom, John
- Capell, Edward
- Carew, Thomas
- Carey, Henry
- Carter, Elizabeth
- Cartwright, William
- Cavendish, George
- Chapman, George
- Chatterton, Thomas
- Cheke, Sir John
- Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4Th Earl Of
- Churchill, Charles
- Churchyard, Thomas
- Cleland, John
- Cleveland, John
- Collins, William
- Congreve, William
- Constable, Henry
- Coryate, Thomas
- Cotton, Charles
- Cowley, Abraham
- Cowley, Hannah
- Crashaw, Richard
- Crowne, John
- Cumberland, Richard, 1732–1811, English Dramatist
- D'arblay, Madame
- D'avenant, Sir William
- Daniel, Samuel
- Darwin, Erasmus
- Davies Of Hereford, John
- Davies, John
- Davies, Sir John
- Day, John, English Dramatist
- Defoe, Daniel
- Dekker, Thomas
- Deloney, Thomas
- Denham, Sir John
- Dennis, John
- Dodd, William
- Dodsley, Robert
- Donne, John
- Dorset, Charles Sackville, 6Th Earl Of
- Drayton, Michael
- Drummond, William
- Dryden, John
- Dyer, John
- Dyer, Sir Edward
- Earle, John
- Elyot, Sir Thomas
- Etherege, Sir George
- Evelyn, John
- Fairfax, Edward
- Falconer, William
- Farquhar, George
- Fenton, Elijah
- Fergusson, Robert
- Fielding, Henry
- Fletcher, Giles
- Fletcher, John
- Florio, John
- Ford, John, English Dramatist
- Garth, Sir Samuel
- Gascoigne, George
- Gay, John
- Golding, Arthur
- Goldsmith, Oliver
- Googe, Barnabe
- Gosson, Stephen
- Graham, Robert
- Granger, James
- Gray, Thomas
- Green, Matthew
- Greene, Robert
- Grimald, Nicholas
- Grimoald, Nicholas
- Hall, Joseph
- Hamilton, William, English Poet
- Harington, Sir John
- Harvey, Gabriel
- Hathaway, Anne
- Hawes, Stephen
- Hawkesworth, John
- Haywood, Eliza (Fowler)
- Head, Richard
- Herbert Of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, 1St Baron
- Herbert, George
- Herbert, Mary
- Herrick, Robert, English Poet
- Heywood, John
- Heywood, Thomas
- Holcroft, Thomas
- Howard, Henry
- Howard, Sir Robert
- Hurd, Richard
- Inchbald, Elizabeth
- Johnson, Samuel, English Author
- Jonson, Ben
- Kelly, Hugh
- Kid, Thomas
- Killigrew, Thomas
- King, Henry
- King, William, English Poet
- Kyd, Thomas
- Lawes, Henry
- Lee, Nathaniel
- Leland, John
- Lewis, Matthew Gregory
- Leyland, John
- Lillo, George
- Lilly, John
- Lindsay, Sir David
- Lodge, Thomas
- Lovelace, Richard
- Lyly, John
- Lyndsay, Sir David
- Mackenzie, Henry
- Macpherson, James
- Mallet, David
- Mandeville, Bernard
- Manley, Mary De La Rivière
- Markham, Gervase
- Marlowe, Christopher
- Marston, John
- Marvell, Andrew
- Mason, William
- May, Thomas
- Middleton, Thomas
- Milton, John
- Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord
- Montagu, Elizabeth (Robinson)
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
- Montgomerie, Alexander
- Moore, Edward
- More, Sir Thomas
- Munday, Anthony
- Nashe, Thomas
- Newbery, John
- North, Christopher
- North, Roger
- North, Sir Thomas
- Oldham, John, English Poet And Satirist
- Osborne, Dorothy
- Otway, Thomas
- Overbury, Sir Thomas
- Oxford, Edward De Vere, 17Th Earl Of
- Painter, William
- Parnell, Thomas
- Peacham, Henry
- Peele, George
- Pembroke, Mary Herbert, Countess Of
- Pepys, Samuel
- Philips, Ambrose
- Philips, John
- Philips, Katherine (Fowler)
- Pindar, Peter
- Piozzi, Mrs.
- Pope, Alexander
- Prior, Matthew
- Psalmanazar, George
- Purchas, Samuel
- Puttenham, George
- Quarles, Francis
- Radcliffe, Ann (Ward)
- Raleigh, Sir Walter
- Ramsay, Allan
- Randolph, Thomas, English Poet And Dramatist
- Reeve, Clara
- Rich, Barnabe
- Rich, Penelope, Lady
- Richardson, Samuel
- Rochester, John Wilmot, 2D Earl Of
- Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, 4Th Earl Of
- Rowe, Nicholas
- Rowley, William
- Rymer, Thomas
- Sackville, Charles, 6Th Earl Of Dorset
- Sackville, Thomas, 1St Earl Of Dorset
- Sandys, George
- Savage, Richard
- Sedley, Sir Charles
- Selkirk, Alexander
- Settle, Elkanah
- Seward, Anna
- Shadwell, Thomas
- Shakespeare, William
- Shakspere, William
- Shenstone, William
- Sheridan, Frances
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
- Shirley, James
- Sidney, Sir Philip
- Skelton, John
- Smart, Christopher
- Smollett, Tobias George
- Southerne, Thomas
- Southwell, Robert
- Spenser, Edmund
- Sprat, Thomas
- Stanhope, Philip Dormer
- Steele, Sir Richard
- Sterne, Laurence
- Stirling, William Alexander, Earl Of
- Suckling, Sir John
- Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl Of
- Swift, Jonathan
- Sydney, Sir Philip
- Tate, Nahum
- Taylor, John, English Writer
- Theobald, Lewis
- Thomson, James , 1700–1748, Scottish Poet
- Thrale, Hester Lynch
- Tickell, Thomas
- Tourneur, Cyril
- Traherne, Thomas
- Tyrwhitt, Thomas
- Udall, Nicholas
- Urchard, Sir Thomas
- Urquhart, Sir Thomas
- Vanbrugh, Sir John
- Vaughan, Henry
- Vere, Edward De
- Waller, Edmund
- Walpole, Horace, 4Th Earl Of Orford
- Walton, Izaak
- Warner, William
- Warton, Joseph
- Warton, Thomas, 1728–90, English Poet And Literary Historian
- Warton, Thomas, The Elder, C.1688–1745, English Poet
- Watson, Thomas
- Webster, John
- Whetstone, George
- Whitehead, William
- Wilmot, John
- Wilson, John
- Winchilsea, Anne Finch, Countess Of
- Wither, George
- Wolcot, John
- Wotton, Sir Henry
- Wotton, William
- Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 1503–42, English Poet And Statesman
- Wycherley, William
- Young, Edward
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