Bolzano [key], city, capital of Bolzano prov., in Trentino–Alto Adige, N Italy, on the Isarco River near its confluence with the Adige. It is the center of the German-speaking part of S Tyrol and is a tourist and health resort noted for its Alpine scenery and mild climate. Its position on the Brenner road has made it the chief commercial center of the area since the Middle Ages, when important fairs were held there. The city's manufactures today include plastics, aluminum products, vehicles, wooden articles, and woolen goods. Bolzano was part of the bishopric of Trent from the 11th cent. until the 16th cent., when it was ceded to the Hapsburgs. It then followed the fortunes of Tyrol and was awarded to Italy in 1919. The city was severely damaged in World War II. Noteworthy buildings include the Romanesque-Gothic cathedral (13th–16th cent.) and several houses of the 15th to 17th cent.
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