Pronunciation Key

Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff
Key to Pronunciation (table)

Key to Pronunciation Symbols

usofa (sO´fu), item (I´tum), easily (E´zulE),
cannon (kan´un), circus (sûr´kus)
aact (akt), bat (bat)
Aape (Ap), fail (fAl), day (dA)
âair (âr), care (kâr)
äart (ärt), father (fä´ður)
bback (bak), labor (lA´bur), cab (kab)
chchin (chin), hatchet (hach´ut), rich (rich)
ddock (dok), lady (lA´dE), sad (sad)
eend (end), steady (sted´E), met (met)
Eeve (Ev), clear (klEr), see (sE)
ffat (fat), phase (fAz), cough (kôf)
gget (get), bigger (big´ur), tag (tag)
hhand (hand), ahead (uhed´)
hwwheel (hwEl), which (hwich)
iit (it), pill (pil), mirror (mir´ur)
Iiron (I´urn), eye (I), buyer (bI´ur)
jjam (jam), ginger (jin´jur), edge (ej)
kkit (kit), tackle (tak´ul), cook (kook)
llittle (lit´ul), holly (hol´E), pull (pool)
mman (man), hammer (ham´ur), climb (klIm)
nnew (noo), known (nOn), winner (win´ur)
ngsinging (sing´ing), finger (fing´gur),
sang (sang), sank (sangk)
ohot (hot), body (bod´E)
Oover (O´vur), hope (hOp), grow (grO)
ôorbit (ôr´bit), fall (fôl), saw (sô)
oofoot (foot), wolf (woolf),
put (poot), pure (pyoor)
OOboot (bOOt), lose (lOOz), drew (drOO),
true (trOO)
oioil (oil), royal (roi´ul), boy (boi)
ouout (out), crowd (kroud), how (hou)
ppipe (pIp), happy (hap´E)
rroad (rOd), appeared (upErd´),
carpenter (kär´puntur)
sso (sO), cite (sIt), baste (bAst)
shshall (shal), sure (shOOr), nation (nA´shun)
ttight (tIt), better (bet´ur), talked (tôkt)
ththin (thin), bath (bath)
ðthen (ðen), father (fä´ður), bathe (bAð)
ubut (but), flood (flud), some (sum)
ûcurl (kûrl), girl (gûrl), fern (fûrn),
worm (wûrm)
vvest (vest), trivial (triv´Eul), eve (Ev)
wwax (waks), twins (twinz), coward
yyou (yOO), onion (un´yun)
zzipper (zip´ur), ease (Ez), treads (tredz)
zhpleasure (plezh´ur), rouge (rOOzh)
Foreign Sounds
öas in French peu (pö), German Goethe (gö´tu)
üas in French Cluny (klünE´)
khas in German ach (äkh), ich (ikh); Scottish loch (lokh)
Nthis symbol indicates that the preceding vowel is nasal as in French cinq
(saNk), un (öN), sans (säN), tombe (tôNb), en (äN)
Accents and Hyphens
´primary accent, written after accented vowel or syllable: Nebraska (nubras´ku), James Buchanan (byOOka´nun)
"secondary accent: Mississippi (mis"us-sip´E)
–dash, replacing obvious portion of pronunciation: hegemony (hijem´unE,
hE–, hej´umO"nE, heg´u–)
-hyphen, to prevent ambiguity in syllabification: Erlanger (ûr´lang-ur),
dishearten (dis-här´tun)
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