Information Please: 1949

Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff
1949 World | US | Economics | Sports | Entertainment | Deaths | Year in Science

World Events
      World Statistics

    Population: 2.554 billion (!not right!)
    population by decade

    more world statistics...
  • NATO establshed when North Atlantic Treaty is signed by 12 nations (April 4).

  • German Federal Republic (West Germany) established (Sept. 21).

  • Truman discloses Soviet Union has set off atomic explosion (Sept. 23).
      Background: The Cold War

  • Communist People's Republic of China formally proclaimed by Chairman Mao Zedong (Oct. 1).

  • South Africa institutionalizes apartheid.

US Events
      US Statistics

    Population: 149,188,130
    Life expectancy: 68.0 years
    Homicide Rate (per 1,000): 5.4
    President: Harry S Truman
    Vice President: Alben W. Barkley

  • President Truman proposes Point Four Program to help world's less developed areas (Jan. 20).

  • President Truman proposes Point Four Program to help world's less developed areas (Jan. 20).

  • President Truman proposes Point Four Program to help world's less developed areas (Jan. 20).


US GDP (1998 dollars): $267.8 billion

Federal spending: $38.84 billion

Federal debt: $252.6 billion

Dow Jones High/Low: 200/161

Consumer Price Index: 23.8

Unemployment: 3.8%

Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.03


  Sports Links

Pro Football

Pro Basketball

Pro Baseball

College Football top 10

College basketball top 10

Super Bowl
Green Bay d. Cincinnatti (35-1)

World Series
NY Yankees d. Brooklyn Dodgers (4-1)

NBA Championship
Minneapolis Lakers d. Washington Capitols (4-2)

NHL Championship
Toronto d. Detroit (4-0)

Women: Louise Brough d. M. duPont(10-8 16 10-8)
Men: Ted Schroeder d. J. Drobny (36 60 63 46 64)

Kentucky Derby Champion

NCAA Basketball Championship
Kentucky d. Oklahoma A&M (46-36)
The year in college basketball

NCAA Football Champions:
Notre Dame (10-0-0)
The year in college football


  Entertainment Awards

Puliter Prizes
Fiction: Guard of Honor, James Gould Cozzens Music: Louisiana Story music, Virgil Thomson Drama: Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller

Academy Award, Best Picture: All the King's Men
1949 Oscars

Nobel Prizes
Literature: William Faulkner (US)
Peace: Lord John Boyd Orr (Scotland)

1949 Emmy Awards

1949 Tony Awards

Miss America: Jacque Mercer (AZ)

George Orwell, 1984; Eudora Welty, Golden Apples; Paul Bowles, The Sheltering Sky; Shirley Jackson, The Lottery; Eleanor Roosevelt, This I Remember; Reinhold Niebuhr, Faith and History; Norman Vincent Peale, A Guide to Confident Living

All the King's Men, Twelve O'Clock High, Sands of Iwo Jima, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, The Third Man

"Some Enchanted Evening"; "Ghost Riders in the Sky"; "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer"; "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend"; Kiss Me Kate soundtrack; Samuel Barber, Piano Sonata; Ernest Bloch, Scherzo Fantasque; Vaughn Monroe, Vaughn Monroe Sings

Death of a Salesman, South Pacific, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes


  • Cable television brings better reception to rural areas where the conventional television signal is weak. These Are My Children, a live, 15-minute show, premieres on NBC. It is the first continuing daytime drama.

Year in Science
      Nobel Prizes

    Chemistry: William Francis Giauque (US), for research in thermodynamics, especially effects of low temperature

    Physics: Hideki Yukawa (Japan), for mathematical prediction, in 1935, of the meson

    Physiology & medicine: Walter Rudolf Hess (Switzerland), for research on brain control of body; and Antonio Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz (Portugal), for development of brain operation

  • First round-the-world nonstop flight.  Capt. James Gallagher and USAF crew of 13 flew a Boeing B-50A Superfortress around the world nonstop from Ft. Worth, returning to same point: 23,452 mi. in 94 hr., 1 min., with four aerial refuelings enroute (Feb. 27–March 2).

  • First round-the-world nonstop flight.  Capt. James Gallagher and USAF crew of 13 flew a Boeing B-50A Superfortress around the world nonstop from Ft. Worth, returning to same point: 23,452 mi. in 94 hr., 1 min., with four aerial refuelings enroute (Feb. 27–March 2).


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