FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | FOR MORE INFORMATION Stephanie Pesce Learning Network 617.542.6500 ext. 1168 stephanie.pesce@fen.com David Conti Learning Network 617.542.6500 ext. 1893 davidconti@learningnetwork.com |
Leading Kids' Reference Site Recognized With International Online Community's Top Accolade
BOSTON, MA (July 23, 2001)—FactMonster.com, (http://www.FactMonster.com), a leading kids' reference site from Information Please®, today announced that it is the winner of the 2001 Webby Award, the top international honor for Web sites and achievement in technology and creativity, in the Best Kids' Site Category.
Fact Monster, one of the most respected and popular Internet sites for homework help and reference resources, has attracted more than thirty million page views since January 2001 with its engaging features and compelling content. As the 2001 recipient of the Best Kids' Site Webby Award, Fact Monster has been recognized by a diverse panel of Internet professionals and media and entertainment personalities for its rich content, creative design and dynamic information exchange.
The 5th Annual Webby Awards, which have been widely hailed as "the Oscars® of the Internet," were webcast by ABC News' Sam Donaldson and hosted live by film and theater personality Alan Cumming. The ceremonies were held at San Francisco's War Memorial Opera House on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 before more than 3,000 digerati. The Webbies are presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences®, an organization dedicated to the creative, technical, and professional progress of the Internet and evolving forms of interactive media.
Deeply moved by the honor of winning the Webby for best kids' site, the Fact Monster commented, "I'm just an ordinary monster single-mindedly devoted to collecting facts and interesting bits of knowledge for kids." The Monster was particularly taken with the Webby Award itself, a coiled, slinkyesque contrivance, which the creature believes will make an especially handsome conversation piece in its lair. The Creature's orange and blue face darkened for a moment as it worried out loud whether its own webbed hands and feet had given it an unfair advantage in the stiff competition for the Webby.
"It is an incredible honor for Fact Monster to be recognized with a Webby as the best kids' site on the Internet," said Elizabeth Buckley Kubik, senior vice president of Learning Network. "The Webby Award is a powerful testimonial to the outstanding success and response generated by Fact Monster. It is terrific to receive this accolade for Fact Monster's unique approach in providing information and fun facts for kids."
Tiffany Shlain, the founder and director of The Webby Awards, added, "As a Webby-award winner, Fact Monster proves that the Web is alive and as dynamic as ever."
Fact Monster provides kids, parents and teachers with essential reference materials, individualized homework help, games, polls and features on topics ranging from sports, math, world news and geography. Daily features include Analogy of the Day, Today in History, Today's Birthday and a Daily Word Quiz. Fact Monster is updated daily, so information accessed by web visitors is constantly expanded and always current, ensuring comprehensive and trustworthy content.
About Learning Network for Reference
Learning Network for Reference is a dynamic, award-winning source of facts, features, quizzes, news, articles, and statistical information, updated daily. Infoplease (www.infoplease.com) and Fact Monster (www.factmonster.com), allow users to search a comprehensive database of almanacs, encyclopedia articles, dictionary definitions, an interactive atlas, and daily spotlight features that provide comprehensive interactive reference material.
About Learning Network
Learning Network, the Internet's largest website for parents, students and teachers, offers an unmatched array of online educational tools, content, and reference resources. Learning Network is part of Pearson, Plc the London-based international media company, which also owns leading educational and media companies including Prentice-Hall, Addison Wesley Longman, Penguin Books, and the Financial Times. For more information, call 1-888-816-1999, or visit www.learningnetwork.com on the Internet (America Online Keyword: Learning Network.)
About The Webby Awards
The Webby Awards is the leading international honor for Web sites and individual achievement in technology and creativity. The critically acclaimed theatre production attended by 3000 people includes films, animations, installation art and performances. The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences selects the nominees, winners, and presents the awards event. Sponsors and Partners for The Fifth Annual Webby Awards include Intel, Adobe, IDG, Metropolis Editorial, The Creative Group, Commission Junction, EarthLink, WorldCom, ABCNews.com, Getty Images, Metropolis Editorial, Diesel Design, Rare Medium, Entertainment Weekly, Variety, Access Magazine, Wired, and Artbyte. Balloting is audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers. For more information visit http://www.webbyawards.com.