This Day in History: May 03, 2025
Margaret Mitchell won the Pulitzer Prize in fiction for Gone With the Wind.
The Shelley v. Kraemer Supreme Court decision stated that it is unconstitutional for a court to enforce a restrictive covenant which prevents people of a certain race from owning or occupying property.
Margaret Thatcher became the first woman elected prime minister of the UK.
At the age of 54, legendary horse jockey Bill Shoemaker became the oldest person to win the Kentucky Derby, riding Ferdinand to victory.
Kansas and Oklahoma were hit by an outbreak of more than 55 tornadoes, including one measured at F5 on the Fujita scale.
The United States, a member of the UN Human Rights Commission since its inception, lost its seat. It would be restored the following year.
New Hampshire’s symbol, the granite Old Man of the Mountain, collapsed in the state’s Franconia Mountains.