Joshua Gilman HALL, Congress, NH (1828-1898)
HALL, Joshua Gilman, a Representative from New Hampshire; born in Wakefield, Carroll County, N.H., November 5, 1828; attended Gilmanton Academy, and was graduated from Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., in 1851; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1855 and practiced in Wakefield and Dover, N.H.; solicitor of the county of Strafford 1862-1874; mayor of Dover in 1866 and 1867; member of the State senate 1871 and 1872; served in the State house of representatives in 1874; attorney of the United States for the district of Hampshire from April 1874 to February 1879; elected as a Republican to the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Congresses (March 4, 1879-March 3, 1883); resumed the practice of his profession; died in Dover, Strafford County, N.H., on October 31, 1898; interment in Pine Hill Cemetery.
Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present