Noble Andrew HULL, Congress, FL (1827-1907)


HULL, Noble Andrew, a Representative from Florida; born in Little York, Camden County, Ga., March 11, 1827; attended the county schools and Chatham Academy, Savannah, Ga.; engaged in mercantile pursuits in Savannah in 1845; moved to Florida in 1851 and engaged in business in Columbia County; when Suwanee County was formed was elected sheriff; member of the Florida house of representatives in 1860 and 1861; during the Civil War served as captain of Company H, First Florida Cavalry, in the Confederate Army; engaged in mercantile pursuits in Jacksonville and Sanford, Seminole County; Lieutenant Governor of Florida 1877-1879; resigned to take his seat in Congress; presented credentials as a Democratic Member-elect to the Forty-sixth Congress and served from March 4, 1879, to January 22, 1881, when he was succeeded by Horatio Bisbee, Jr., who contested his election; resumed business activities in Jacksonville; assistant postmaster of Jacksonville 1884-1888; clerk of Duval County circuit court 1888-1900; declined to be a candidate for reelection; died in Jacksonville, Fla., January 28, 1907; interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present