Philip LIVINGSTON, Congress, NY (1716-1778)
LIVINGSTON, Philip, (brother of William Livingston, cousin of Edward Livingston and Robert R. Livingston, and uncle of Walter Livingston), a Delegate from New York; born in Albany, N.Y., January 15, 1716; was graduated from Yale College in 1737; engaged in the mercantile business in New York City; member of the board of aldermen 1754-1762; member of the provincial house of representatives 1763-1769 and served as speaker in 1768; member of the New York Committee of Correspondence; delegate to the Stamp Act Congress in October 1765; register in chancery in 1768 and 1769; Member of the Continental Congress from 1775 until his death; a signer of the Declaration of Independence; president of the New York Provincial Convention in 1775; member of the State assembly in 1776; served in the State senate in 1777; prominent in commercial and educational societies; died while attending the sixth session of the Continental Congress in York, Pa., June 12, 1778; interment in a tomb in Prospect Hill Cemetery, York, York County, Pa.
Anthony, Robert Warren. Philip Livingston, A Tribute. Albany, N.Y.: Fort Orange Press, 1924.Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present