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Barenaked Ladies

Canadian folk-rock group Steven Page and Ed Robertson established the band in 1998. They claim the band's name is meant to suggest youthful naivete and is not at all sexist. Tyler Steward and Jim…

Lady and the Tramp

Introduction   1   2   3   4   5   6    7   8   9   10     Next by Beth Rowen Lady and the Tramp (1955) Disney's canine caper-romance broke new ground for the studio on two fronts. It was…

First Ladies Gallery

An illustrated guide to the first ladies of the United States Please note: Martha Jefferson, Rachel Jackson, Hannah Hoes Van Buren, and Ellen Arthur all died before their husbands became president…

The Fat Lady Sings

The Question: Where did the saying "It ain't over until the fat lady sings" come from? The Answer: Often mistakenly attributed to N.Y. Yankees Hall of Famer Yogi…

Top 10 Selling Digital Songs, 2009

The following table lists the rank, title, and artist for each of the top ten selling digital songs in the United States during 2009. Rank Song Artist1."Boom Boom Pow…

Yamamoto, Kansai

(Encyclopedia) Yamamoto, Kansai, 1944–2020, Japanese fashion designer, known as Kansai. Essentially self-taught, he showed his first collection in London in 1971. The theatrical garments, with an…

Godiva, Lady

(Encyclopedia) Godiva, LadyGodiva, Ladygōdīˈvə [key], fl. c.1040–80, wife of Leofric, earl of Mercia; famous for her legendary ride through the city of Coventry. She was a benefactor of several…

Lady Day

(Encyclopedia) Lady Day or Annunciation: see Mary.


(Encyclopedia) lady's-slipper, a wild orchid; the name is sometimes applied also to impatiens.

Top Ten Most Played Songs, 2009

The following table lists the title and artist of the top ten most played songs in the United States during 2009. Rank Song ArtistTotal Audience1. Love Story…