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Marcos, Imelda

(Encyclopedia) Marcos, Imelda: see under Marcos, Ferdinand.

Bozzaris, Marcos

(Encyclopedia) Bozzaris, MarcosBozzaris, Marcosbōzărˈĭs, –zäˈrĭs, Gr. bôtˈsärēs [key], c.1788–1823, Greek patriot. Exiled from his native Epirus in 1803, he joined Ali Pasha in 1820 and later was…

San Marcos

(Encyclopedia) San MarcosSan Marcossăn märˈkəs [key]. 1 City (1990 pop. 38,974), San Diego co., S Calif., a northern suburb of San Diego; settled 1880s, inc. 1963. Citrus fruit, avocados, flowers,…

Marco Rubio: Campaign Issues

Where he stands Marco Rubio Related Links Marco Rubio Biography Marco Rubio Website Closest Presidential Races Presidential…

Marco RUBIO, Congress, FL (1971)

Senate Years of Service: 2011-Party: RepublicanRUBIO, Marco, a Senator from Florida; born in Miami, Fla., May 28, 1971; graduated University of Florida, B.S., 1993; graduated University of…

Pérez Jiménez, Marcos

(Encyclopedia) Pérez Jiménez, MarcosPérez Jiménez, Marcosmärˈkōs pāˈrās hēmāˈnās [key], 1914–2001, president of Venezuela (1952–58). As an army captain he took part in the coup that installed (1945)…

Marcos, Ferdinand Edralin

(Encyclopedia) Marcos, Ferdinand EdralinMarcos, Ferdinand Edralinfārdēnändˈ ĕdˈrälēnˌ märˈkōs [key], 1917–89, Philippine political leader. A lawyer and aide to Manuel Roxas (1946–47), he was elected…

Marcos de Niza

(Encyclopedia) Marcos de NizaMarcos de Nizamärˈkōs dā nēˈsä [key], c.1495–1558, missionary explorer in Spanish North America. A Franciscan friar, he served in Peru and Guatemala before going to…

San Marcos, University of

(Encyclopedia) San Marcos, University of, at Lima, Peru; the first university in South America; founded 1551 by the Spanish king Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) and recognized by papal bull…