This summer, which are you more excited for, the new Harry Potter movie, The Order of the Phoenix, or the new Harry Potter book, The Deathly Hallows?

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Harry Anticipated, Summer 2007

This summer, which are you more excited for, the new Harry Potter movie, The Order of the Phoenix, or the new Harry Potter book, The Deathly Hallows?


Your Vote: Movies, shmovies, I can't wait to read The Deathly Hallows!


Movies, shmovies, I can't wait to read The Deathly Hallows!
36%(71 votes)
I'm going to multitask and bring The Deathly Hallows to the theater when I see The Order of the Phoenix.
44%(87 votes)
Books, shmooks, I'm dying to see The Order of the Phoenix!
18%(37 votes)
Total votes: 195
poll first posted on February 27, 2017