What does relish mean?

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From our dictionary:


Pronunciation: (rel'ish), [key]
1. liking or enjoyment of the taste of something.
2. pleasurable appreciation of anything; liking: He has no relish for obscene jokes.
3. Cookery.
a. something savory or appetizing added to a meal, as pickles or olives.
b. a sweet pickle made of various vegetables, usually chopped or minced.
c. an appetizer or hors d'oeuvre.
4. a pleasing or appetizing flavor.
5. a pleasing or enjoyable quality.
6. a taste or flavor.
7. a smack, trace, or touch of something.

1. to take pleasure in; like; enjoy: I don't relish the long drive home.
2. to make pleasing to the taste.
3. to like the taste of.

1. to have taste or flavor.
2. to be agreeable.