Scientists: Life Sciences
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

Biologists, botanists, geneticists, medical scientists, microbiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and zoologists
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- Altman, Sidney
- Baer, Karl Ernst von
- Bartram, William
- Bekesy, Georg von
- Berg, Paul
- Bergström, Sune Karl
- Bishop, John Michael
- Bloch, Konrad E.
- Blumberg, Baruch Samuel
- Carrel, Alexis
- Chain, Ernst Boris
- Cohen, Stanley
- Cori, Carl Ferdinand
- Dam, Henrik
- Darwin, Charles Robert
- Daubenton, Louis Jean Marie
- Doisy, Edward Adelbert
- Dorset, Marion
- du Vigneaud, Vincent
- Dulbecco, Renato
- Franklin, Rosalind
- Fischer, Edmond H.
- Funk, Casimir
- Gesner, Konrad von
- Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich
- Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson
- Harrison, Ross Granville
- Hecht, Selig
- Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland
- Huber, Robert
- Humboldt, Alexander, Freiherr von
- Huxley, Thomas Henry
- Jacob, François
- Kendall, Edward Calvin
- Kircher, Athanasius
- Klug, Sir Aaron
- Kornberg, Arthur
- Krebs, Edwin
- Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf
- Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de
- Linnaeus, Carolus
- Lipmann, Fritz Albert
- Lynen, Feodor
- Manson, Patrick
- Martin, Archer John Porter
- Mendel, Gregor Johann
- Metchnikoff, Élie
- Monod, Jacques
- Ochoa, Severo
- Pallas, Peter Simon
- Ray, John
- Sanger, Frederick
- Schultze, Max Johann Sigismund
- Smith, Hamilton Othanel
- Sörensen, Sören Peter Lauritz
- Spallanzani, Lazzaro
- Sperry, Roger Wolcott
- Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert von
- Theorell, Axel Hugo Teodor
- Tiselius, Arne
- Vane, John Robert
- Vishniac, Roman
- Wallace, Alfred Russel
- Watson, James Dewey
- Weismann, August
- Wilkins, Maurice Hugh Frederick
- Wilson, Edward Osborne
- Wolff, Caspar Friedrich
- Bailey, Liberty Hyde
- Banks, Sir Joseph
- Bartram, John
- Bauhin, Gaspard
- Bentham, George
- Blakeslee, Albert Francis
- Bolley, Henry Luke
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord
- Brongniart, Adolphe Théodore
- Brown, Robert
- Burbank, Luther
- Caesalpinus, Andreas
- Camerarius, Rudolph Jacob
- Clements, Frederic Edward
- Cohn, Ferdinand
- De Bary, Heinrich Anton
- de Candolle, Augustin Pyrame
- De Vries, Hugo
- Douglas, David
- East, Edward Murray
- Eichler, August Wilhelm
- Engelmann, George
- Engler, Adolf
- Fairchild, David Grandison
- Fortune, Robert
- Fries, Elias Magnus
- Gleason, Henry Allan
- Gray, Asa
- Harvey, William Henry
- Hofmeister, Wilhelm
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson
- Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb
- Lindley, John
- Linnaeus, Carolus
- Michaux, André
- Mohl, Hugo von
- Nägeli, Karl Wilhelm von
- Pringsheim, Nathanael
- Sachs, Julius von
- Schimper, Karl Friedric
- Schleiden, Matthias Jakob
- Sprengel, Christian Konrad
- Stopes, Marie Carmichael
- Torrey, John
- Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich
- Warming, Johannes Eugenius Bülow
- Beadle, George Wells
- Berg, Paul
- Bridges, Calvin Blackman
- Brown, Michael Stuart
- Dobzhansky, Theodosius
- Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer
- Galton, Sir Francis
- Gilbert, Walter
- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedikt
- Goldstein, Joseph Leonard
- Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson
- Lederberg, Joshua
- McClintock, Barbara
- Mendel, Gregor Johann
- Morgan, Thomas Hunt
- Muller, Hermann Joseph
- Nathans, Daniel
- Pearson, Karl
- Smith, Hamilton Othanel
- Tatum, Edward Lawrie
- Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich
- Watson, James Dewey
- Weismann, August
- Wilkins, Maurice Hugh Frederick
Medical Scientists
- Abano, Pietro d'
- Abbe, Robert
- Abel, John Jacob
- Addison, Thomas
- Agricola, Georgius
- Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett
- Barany, Robert
- Beaumont, William
- Behring, Emil Adolph von
- Bekesy, Georg von
- Bell, Sir Charles
- Benacerraf, Baruj
- Billings, John Shaw
- Black, Greene Vardiman
- Blackwell, Elizabeth
- Bloch, Konrad E.
- Boerhaave, Hermann
- Bordet, Jules
- Bovet, Daniele
- Boylston, Zabdiel
- Braid, James
- Bretonneau, Pierre
- Breuer, Josef
- Bright, Richard
- Burnet, Sir Macfarlane
- Calmette, Léon Charles Albert
- Camerarius, Rudolph Jacob
- Carrel, Alexis
- Charcot, Jean Martin
- Cohnheim, Julius
- Cori, Carl Ferdinand
- Cournand, André Frederic
- Crick, Francis Harry Compton
- Crile, George Washington
- Cushing, Harvey Williams
- Dale, Sir Henry Hallett
- Dam, Henrik
- Dandy, Walter Edward
- Darwin, Erasmus
- Dausset, Jean
- De Bakey, Michael Ellis
- Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
- Doisy, Edward Adelbert
- Domagk, Gerhard
- du Vigneaud, Vincent
- Dubos, René Jules
- Dulbecco, Renato
- Eccles, Sir John Carew
- Ehrlich, Paul
- Eijkman, Christiaan
- Elion, Gertrude Belle
- Enders, John Franklin
- Erasistratus
- Erlanger, Joseph
- Fauchard, Pierre
- Faust
- Fibiger, Johannes
- Finsen, Niels Ryberg
- Fleming, Sir Alexander
- Flexner, Simon
- Florey, Howard Walter
- Forssmann, Werner
- Funk, Casimir
- Gajdusek, Daniel Carleton
- Galvani, Luigi
- Garretson, James Edmund
- Geoffroy, Étienne François
- Gilbert, William
- Golgi, Camillo
- Gorgas, William Crawford
- Gross, Samuel David
- Gullstrand, Allvar
- Hahnemann, Samuel
- Haldane, John Scott
- Hall, Marshall
- Haller, Albrecht von
- Halsted, William Stewart
- Hamilton, Alice
- Harvey, William
- Heister, Lorenz
- Hench, Philip Showalter
- Hippocrates
- Hitchings, George Herbert
- Hoffmann, Friedrich
- Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland
- Horsley, Sir Victor Alexander Haden
- Hubel, David Hunter
- Hunter, William
- Huxley, Andrew Fielding
- Jabir
- Jacob, François
- Jacobi, Abraham
- Janet, Pierre
- Jenner, Edward
- Kane, Elisha Kent
- Kantrowitz, Adrian
- Kendall, Edward Calvin
- Kenny, Elizabeth
- Kitasato, Shibasaburo
- Koch, Robert
- Kocher, Emil Theodor
- Köhler, Georges Jean Franz
- Kornberg, Arthur
- Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf
- Krogh, Schack August Steenberg
- Ladd-Franklin, Christine
- Laënnec, René Théophile Hyacinthe
- Landsteiner, Karl
- Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse
- Leeuwenhoek, Antony van
- Leidy, Joseph
- Lind, James
- Lipmann, Fritz Albert
- Lister, Joseph Lister, 1st Baron
- Löffler, Friedrich
- Lwoff, André
- Lynen, Feodor
- MacEwen, Sir William
- Manson, Patrick
- Masters and Johnson
- Mayo, Charles Horace
- McDowell, Ephraim
- Medawar, Sir Peter Brian
- Mesmer, Friedrich Anton
- Metchnikoff, Élie
- Milstein, César
- Minot, George Richards
- Mitchell, Silas Weir
- Monod, Jacques
- Morton, Rosalie Slaughter
- Morton, William Thomas Green
- Murphy, William Parry
- Murray, Joseph E.
- Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri
- Nightingale, Florence
- Noguchi, Hideyo
- Nuttall, George Henry Falkiner
- Ochoa, Severo
- Osler, Sir William
- Paget, Sir James
- Palmer, Daniel David
- Paré, Ambroise
- Pettenkofer, Max von
- Pinel, Philippe
- Pirogov, Nikolai Ivanovich
- Pott, Percivall
- Prince, Morton
- Prout, William
- Ramazzini, Bernardino
- Ramón y Cajal, Santiago
- Reichstein, Tadeus
- Rhazes
- Richards, Dickinson Woodruff, Jr.
- Robbins, Frederick Chapman
- Rokitansky, Karl
- Ross, Sir Ronald
- Rous, Francis Peyton
- Rush, Benjamin
- Sabin, Albert Bruce
- Salk, Jonas Edward
- Schweitzer, Albert
- Semmelweis, Ignaz Philipp
- Servetus, Michael
- Shippen, William, Jr.
- Sims, James Marion
- Snell, George Davis
- Soranus
- Spock, Benjamin McLane
- Stopes, Marie Carmichael
- Sydenham, Thomas
- Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert von
- Theorell, Axel Hugo Teodor
- Thomas, Edward Donnall
- Thompson, Guy Lawrence
- Trudeau, Edward Livingston
- Varmus, Harold Eliot
- Virchow, Rudolf
- Wagner-Jauregg, Julius
- Waksman, Selman Abraham
- Walker, Mary Edwards
- Wassermann, August von
- Weller, Thomas Huckle
- Whipple, George Hoyt
- Williams, Daniel Hale
- Williams, Roger John
- Willis, Thomas
- Winnicott, Donald
- Wistar, Caspar
- Yalow, Rosalyn Sussman
- Yersin, Alexandre Émile Jean
- Young, Thomas
- Zinsser, Hans
- Arber, Werner
- Baltimore, David
- Cech, Thomas Robert
- Dubos, René Jules
- Ehrlich, Paul
- Enders, John Franklin
- Fleming, Sir Alexander
- Gajdusek, Daniel Carleton
- Gilbert, Walter
- Koch, Robert
- Löffler, Friedrich
- Lwoff, André
- Nathans, Daniel
- Noguchi, Hideyo
- Temin, Howard Martin
- Tonegawa, Susumu
- Varmus, Harold Eliot
- Waksman, Selman Abraham
- Weller, Thomas Huckle
- Yersin, Alexandre Émile Jean
- Zinsser, Hans
Psychiatrists and Psychologists
- Adler, Alfred
- Allport, Gordon W.
- Baldwin, James Mark
- Beers, Clifford Whittingham
- Bettelheim, Bruno
- Binet, Alfred
- Bleuler, Eugen
- Boring, Edwin Garrigues
- Braid, James
- Breuer, Josef
- Brill, Abraham Arden
- Burt, Cyril Lodowic
- Coué, Émile
- Erikson, Erik
- Fanon, Frantz Omar
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor
- Freud, Sigmund
- Hall, Granville Stanley
- Horney, Karen
- Janet, Pierre
- Jones, Ernest
- Judd, Charles Hubbard
- Jung, Carl Gustav
- Klein, Melanie
- Koffka, Kurt
- Köhler, Wolfgang
- Kraepelin, Emil
- Krafft-Ebing, Richard von
- Kretschmer, Ernest
- Lacan, Jacques
- Laing, R. D.
- Lewin, Kurt
- Luria, Alexander Romanovich
- Maslow, Abraham H.
- Masters and Johnson
- May, Rollo
- McDougall, William, American psychologist
- Menninger, Karl Augustus
- Meyer, Adolf
- Morgan, Conwy Lloyd
- Münsterberg, Hugo
- Murray, Henry A.
- Piaget, Jean
- Pinel, Philippe
- Prince, Morton
- Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst
- Rank, Otto
- Reik, Theodor
- Rogers, Carl
- Skinner, Burrhus Frederic
- Sullivan, Harry Stack
- Terman, Lewis Madison
- Titchener, Edward Bradford
- Tolman, Edward Chace
- Vygotsky, Lev Semyonovich
- Watson, John Broadus
- Wertheimer, Max
- Winnicott, Donald
- Yerkes, Robert Mearns
- Agassiz, Louis
- Audubon, John James
- Baird, Spencer Fullerton
- Bates, Henry Walter
- Beebe, Charles William
- Bütschli, Otto
- Conklin, Edwin Grant
- Dean, Bashford
- Eigenmann, Carl H.
- Fabre, Jean Henri
- Fabricius, Johan Christian
- Forster, Johann Reinhold
- Frisch, Karl von
- Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne
- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedikt
- Goodall, Jane
- Howard, Leland Ossian
- Hyatt, Alpheus
- Jennings, Herbert Spencer
- Jordan, David Starr
- Kellogg, Vernon Lyman
- Lacépède, Bernard Germain Étienne de la Ville, comte de
- Lankester, Sir Edwin Ray
- Leuckart, Karl Georg Friedrich Rudolf
- Lillie, Frank Rattray
- Lorenz, Konrad
- Medawar, Sir Peter Brian
- Milne-Edwards, Henri
- Morgan, Thomas Hunt
- Muybridge, Eadweard
- Newton, Alfred
- Owen, Sir Richard
- Peterson, Roger Tory
- Redi, Francesco
- Say, Thomas
- Scudder, Samuel Hubbard
- Simpson, George Gaylord
- Spemann, Hans
- Swammerdam, Jan
- Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville
- Thomson, Sir John Arthur
- Tinbergen, Nikolaas
- Whitman, Charles Otis
- Willughby, Francis
- Wilson, Edmund Beecher
See also: