Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Mabillon, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Mabillon, Jean zhäN mäbēyôNˈ [key], 1623–1707, French scholar, a Benedictine monk. His De re diplomatica (1681; with a supplementary volume, 1704) was the first attempt to develop a critical me...


(Encyclopedia)Jean zhäN [key], 1921–2019, grand duke of Luxembourg (1964–2000); son of Charlotte, grand duchess of Luxembourg, and Felix, prince of Bourbon-Parma. He fought with Great Britain's Irish Guards in...

Domat, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Domat, Jean zhäN dōmäˈ [key], 1625–96, French jurist. His Les Loix civiles dans leur ordre naturel [civil laws in their natural order] (3 vol., 1689–94) is a restatement of Roman law considere...

Dorat, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Dorat, Jean: see Daurat, Jean.

Dubuffet, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Dubuffet, Jean zhäN dübüfāˈ [key], 1901–85, French painter and sculptor. Rejecting academic art training, Dubuffet divided his time during the 1920s and 30s between art and the wine business. I...

Cousin, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Cousin, Jean zhäN ko͞ozăNˈ [key], c.1490–c.1560, celebrated French painter, designer, and sculptor. To him have been attributed the designs for the windows of various churches of Sens and Paris ...

Cruveilhier, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Cruveilhier, Jean zhäN krüvĕyāˈ [key], 1791–1874, French physician. The first professor of pathology at the Univ. of Paris (from 1836), he introduced the descriptive method into the study of th...

Daurat, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Daurat or Dorat, Jean both: zhäN dōräˈ [key], 1508?–1588, French classical scholar. He taught (1546–56) at the Collège de Coqueret at Paris. Among his pupils were the poets Ronsard, Du Bellay...

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