Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)cassava mănˈēŏk [key], name for many species of the genus Manihot of the family Euphorbiaceae (spurge family). The roots, which resemble sweet potatoes and are eaten in much the same way, yield ca...


(Encyclopedia)manioc: see cassava.


(Encyclopedia)tapioca tăpēōˈkə [key], widely used starchy food, obtained from the fleshy root of the bitter cassava. Tapioca is sold in flake or flour form and as the pellet pearl tapioca. Tapioca flour is wid...

Man, town, Côte d'Ivoire

(Encyclopedia)Man, town (1996 est. pop. 112,600), W central Côte d'Ivoire, at the foot of the Toura Mts. It is an administrative and commercial center for a region producing coffee, cacao, kola nuts, rice, and cas...


(Encyclopedia)Mopti môpˈtē [key], city (1993 pop. 75,000), central Mali, a port at the confluence of the Niger and Bani rivers. The city is built on three islets linked by dikes; one dike, 8 mi (12.9 km) long, c...


(Encyclopedia)Louga lo͞oˈgä [key], town (1988 pop. 52,763), W Senegal. Located in a region where peanuts, cassava, and gum arabic are produced, the town manufactures peanut oil and processes hides and skins. Lou...


(Encyclopedia)Thiès tyĕs [key], city (1988 pop. 175,465), W Senegal, on the Dakar-Niger RR. It is the trade center for a farming region where peanuts, cassava, and livestock are raised. Manufactures include const...


(Encyclopedia)Koforidua kōfōrēdo͞oˈä [key], town (1984 pop. 58,731), capital of the Eastern region, S Ghana. It is the commercial center for a region producing cocoa, palm oil, cassava, and corn; it also serv...


(Encyclopedia)Teresina tārāzēˈnä [key], city (1991 pop. 599,272), capital of Piauí state, NE Brazil, on the Parnaíba River. It is the main commercial and agricultural distribution center in the Parnaíba val...


(Encyclopedia)Elmina ĕlmēˈnə [key], town, S Ghana, on the Gulf of Guinea; also known locally as Edina. It is a fishing center located in a region where corn and cassava are grown. In the late 1400s the Portugue...

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