/ Thesaurus / A Synonyms of appreciated Find synonyms for: Verb1. appreciate, acknowledge, recognize, recogniseusage: recognize with gratitude; be grateful for2. appreciate, take account, understand, realize, realise, seeusage: be fully aware of; realize fully; "Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?"3. prize, value, treasure, appreciate, see, consider, reckon, view, regardusage: hold dear; "I prize these old photographs"4. appreciate, apprize, apprise, revalue, increaseusage: gain in value; "The yen appreciated again!"5. appreciate, apprize, apprise, revalueusage: increase the value of; "The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark"Adjective1. appreciated, apprehended, comprehended, understood (vs. ununderstood)usage: fully understood or grasped; "dangers not yet appreciated"; "these apprehended truths"; "a thing comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known"WordNet 3.0 Copyright © 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. Related Content Daily Word Quiz: profiterole Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language