Synonyms of march


1. March, Mar, Gregorian calendar month

usage: the month following February and preceding April

2. march, marching, walk, walking

usage: the act of marching; walking with regular steps (especially in a procession of some kind); "it was a long march"; "we heard the sound of marching"

3. march, progress, progression, procession, advance, advancement, forward motion, onward motion

usage: a steady advance; "the march of science"; "the march of time"

4. march, procession

usage: a procession of people walking together; "the march went up Fifth Avenue"

5. borderland, border district, march, marchland, district, territory, territorial dominion, dominion

usage: district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area; "the Welsh marches between England and Wales"

6. marching music, march, music genre, musical genre, genre, musical style

usage: genre of music written for marching; "Sousa wrote the best marches"

7. Master of Architecture, MArch, master's degree

usage: a degree granted for the successful completion of advanced study of architecture


1. march, process, walk

usage: march in a procession; "They processed into the dining room"

2. march, walk

usage: force to march; "The Japanese marched their prisoners through Manchuria"

3. march, walk

usage: walk fast, with regular or measured steps; walk with a stride; "He marched into the classroom and announced the exam"; "The soldiers marched across the border"

4. demonstrate, march, protest, resist, dissent

usage: march in protest; take part in a demonstration; "Thousands demonstrated against globalization during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle"

5. parade, exhibit, march, walk

usage: walk ostentatiously; "She parades her new husband around town"

6. march, walk

usage: cause to march or go at a marching pace; "They marched the mules into the desert"

7. border, adjoin, edge, abut, march, butt, butt against, butt on, touch, adjoin, meet, contact

usage: lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland"

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Definition and meaning of march (Dictionary)