U.S. Constitution

Constitution of the United States of America
(Historical text has been edited to conform to contemporary American usage. The bracketed words are designations for your convenience; they are not part of the Constitution.)
The oldest federal constitution in existence was framed by a convention of delegates from twelve of the thirteen original states in Philadelphia in May 1787, Rhode Island failing to send a delegate. George Washington presided over the session, which lasted until September 17, 1787. The draft (originally a preamble and seven Articles) was submitted to all thirteen states and was to become effective when ratified by nine states. It went into effect on the first Wednesday in March 1789, having been ratified by New Hampshire, the ninth state to approve, on June 21, 1788. The states ratified the Constitution in the following order:
Delaware | December 7, 1787 |
Pennsylvania | December 12, 1787 |
New Jersey | December 18, 1787 |
Georgia | January 2, 1788 |
Connecticut | January 9, 1788 |
Massachusetts | February 6, 1788 |
Maryland | April 28, 1788 |
South Carolina | May 23, 1788 |
New Hampshire | June 21, 1788 |
Virginia | June 25, 1788 |
New York | July 26, 1788 |
North Carolina | November 21, 1789 |
Rhode Island | May 29, 1790 |
See also: U.S. Constitution Primer