Estimated Deaths from Earthquakes, 2012

Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

The following table gives the number of people who died in major earthquakes in 2012. The magnitude of each earthquake is also shown. Magnitudes listed are moment magnitudes, the newest, most uniformly applicable magnitude scale.

Date Region Magnitude Number
Feb. 6 Visayas, Philippines 6.7 113
April 11 Near Coast of Aceh Province, Indonesia 8.6 10
May 20 Emilia-Romagna, Italy 6.1 27
June 11 Baghlan province, Afghanistan 5.7 75
Aug. 11 East Azerbaijan Province, Iran 6.4 306
Sept. 7 Yunnan Province, China 5.6 81
Nov. 7 Mexico and Guatemala 7.4 139
Nov. 11 Shwebo, Myanmar 6.8 38
Source: various


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