Countries: Ask the Fact Monster Questions
Updated February 23, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

- What is Africa's youngest/newest country?
- The Andaman and Nicobar Islands separate the Andaman Sea from what bay?
- I would like to know where in Iceland trees grow. In what city or cities can they be found?
- What are the words on the Brazil flag? What do they mean?
- How did Canada achieve its sovereignty?
- How many countries are in Africa?
- What country boasts the most dams?
- Could you please give me a list of all the EEC member countries?
- How many countries are there in the world today?
- What is the smallest European country, defined by land mass?
- Recently I heard a radio journalist mention that there are 57 Islamic states. Is that true? And if so, which countries are Islamic states?
- What is the most populous capital city in Africa? What African capital city has the largest land area?
- In what country do people have the longest life expectancy? Shortest?
- I am trying to find a map of Europe with no country names on it. Can you help?
- What is the type or name of the bird on the flag of Mexico?
- What is the largest Muslim country of the world?
- Which countries celebrate January 26 as a national holiday?
- Why is Nepal's flag shaped the way it is?
- What does OPEC stand for and who belongs to it today?
- From where does Canada get its name?
- Ethiopia was formerly called Abyssinia. Did the capital Addis Ababa also have a previous name?
- What is the world's southernmost national capital?
- I tried to find the two foreign dependencies for the 12 countries of South America, but you didn't have it listed. Can you help me?
- According to your info Sweden is the fourth largest country in Europe. Which are the three bigger ones?
- What are the three smaller flags on the old South African flag?
- What is the smallest country in the world?
- Many of the countries in the news end with the suffix "stan." It must mean something. Do you know?
- Where could I find information about time zones and what time it would be anywhere else in the world?
- Which countries of the world drive on the left?
- What holidays are celebrated in Iceland? The only one I know about is June 17th being the national holiday.
- What does G.M.T. stand for?
- What country is bordered by the greatest number of other countries?
- The Island of Gavdos belongs to what country?
- In Kazakhstan, the capital has been Astana since 1997. Before it was Almaty. Why did they switch capitals?
- Where does Ireland rank on the list of the world's largest islands?
- Your site incorrectly lists Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It is not the officially recognized capital of Israel. Only two countries around the world, Guatemala and El Salvador, have recognized it as such. Countries such as the USA, Canada and all European nations only recognize Tel-Aviv as the capital and hence maintain their embassies there. Please change the reference to reflect Israel's proper capital. Thanks.
- Do Americans get more or less time off than people in other major countries?
- Your almanac says the country name "Bahrain" means "two seas." What language is that in, and what two seas does it refer to?
- If Prince Charles dies before Queen Elizabeth who will succeed to the throne? Prince Andrew? If so, after him, would his children be next in line for the throne?
- How many countries does the equator pass through?
- Which EU members are using the euro as a currency? Is EU different from EEC? What does EEC stand for?
- Could you please settle a disagreement. My friend says that the Tay river in Scotland is the longest river in Great Britain; I say it is the Severn. Please forward me the correct answer.
- According to your info Sweden is the fourth largest country in Europe. Which are the three bigger ones?
- How long is Australia's coastline? Is it the longest in the world?