Geography: Ask the Fact Monster Questions
Updated February 23, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

- How many countries does the equator pass through?
- Could you please settle a disagreement. My friend says that the Tay river in Scotland is the longest river in Great Britain; I say it is the Severn. Please forward me the correct answer.
- Can you please tell me where the world's highest airport is located?
- How far apart are each of the time zones?
- How high must a mountain be to be technically considered a "mountain"?
- Do you know the percentage of the earth's surface covered by water?
- What is the world's largest man-made lake?
- What are the Seven Wonders of the World?
- Is the Red Sea red? If so, why?
- What is the most populous capital city in Africa? What African capital city has the largest land area?
- Is the historic volcano, Mount Vesuvius, still active?
- What is the difference between an "ocean" and a "sea"?
- Why is a pond called a pond and a lake called a lake? I have a body of water that is 5 acres, 15 to 20 feet deep. How do I know what to call it?
- What are "the Seven Seas?"
- What is the deepest lake—man-made or natural—in the world?
- What are the easternmost and westernmost points in the United States?
- Can you please tell me what the world's highest city is?
- Could you tell me what the largest body of fresh water is in the world?
- According to your info Sweden is the fourth largest country in Europe. Which are the three bigger ones?
- What is the world's largest man-made lake?
- How long is Australia's coastline? Is it the longest in the world?
- What is the longest mountain range in the world?
- What is the longest river in the world and how long is it and through what countries does it flow?
- Which canyon, located in Tanzania, is famous for its fossil beds?
- What is the water temperature at the Mariana Trench—the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean?
- Where is the Island of Goree?
- What country is bordered by the greatest number of other countries?
- Where does Ireland rank on the list of the world's largest islands?
- What is the largest desert in the world?
- What is the world's oldest desert, and in which country is it located?
- What is the youngest ocean on Earth?
- O.K., experts. Where can I find the best beaches in the United States?
- What's the difference between Great Britain, the United Kingdom, and England?
- Historically, what have been the world's tallest buildings?
- How many countries are in Africa?
- What country boasts the most dams?
- Is the Great Wall of China really the only manmade structure that can be seen from space?