/ Ask The Fact Monster / Arts / Arts Ask The Fact MonsterMore Questions Arts Jump to a category: - Any -AnimalsArtsAstronomyAwardsCalendarCivicsCountriesFoodGeographyHistoryHumanityIndexInventionsLanguageLiteratureMathMiscellanyMoneyMoviesNaturePeoplePresidentsRace genderReligionScienceSportsTelevisionU.S. CitiesU.S. HistoryU.S. StatesU.S. StatisticsWeather Who wrote the music and words to the song America the Beautiful? Where was "America the Beautiful" written? My understanding is that it was written in Andover, Mass. A Phillips Academy dormitory is named "America House." How many songs did Bing Crosby record? What are the dimensions of the Great Pyramid Of Cheops? I'm a second-year student in a local college here in Malaysia and I'm currently taking introductory theater as one of my subjects. I'm assigned to do a research paper on Constantin Stanislavki. Can you help me get started? I am trying to identify the Russian dance where the "dancers" have their arms crossed in front of them while they bouncing up and down and alternately extending one of their legs out in front of them. Can you help on this one? When did FM radio begin? Why do people yell "Freebird!" at concerts? Where is Vermeer's painting "The Girl with the Pearl Earring"? I'm looking for the most expensive painting in the world. Who was it painted by and when? What Shakespeare play is this quote from? Could you direct me to a web site that has the words to "Over There", the patriotic song of World War I? Did Pachelbel compose anything other than Canon in D Major? Where can I find a list of people in the rock and roll hall of fame? Who said "Neither a borrower nor a lender be"? I remember a line like "the uncertain glory of an April day" that described an elusive victory in battle. I thought it was from Julius Caesar but I have not been able to find it in any play! Can you please, please help me? I have heard the phrase attributed to Shakespeare, "Of all the flowers/the rose is the best/" but I don't know where it comes from. Please help! I have been searching desperately for the lyrics to the theme song for the Spiderman cartoon. Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can..." I am looking for information about the dance called the rumba. Can you help? Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last » MoreFeaturesGamesPollsTimelinesQuizzes