/ Ask The Fact Monster / Countries / Countries Ask The Fact MonsterMore Questions Countries Jump to a category: - Any -AnimalsArtsAstronomyAwardsCalendarCivicsCountriesFoodGeographyHistoryHumanityIndexInventionsLanguageLiteratureMathMiscellanyMoneyMoviesNaturePeoplePresidentsRace genderReligionScienceSportsTelevisionU.S. CitiesU.S. HistoryU.S. StatesU.S. StatisticsWeather What is Africa's youngest/newest country? Could you tell me what customs, holidays and waterways can be found in Algeria? Could you tell me what types of activities people participate in in Algeria? And what monuments and famous sites are located in Algeria? The Andaman and Nicobar Islands separate the Andaman Sea from what bay? Your almanac says the country name "Bahrain" means "two seas." What language is that in, and what two seas does it refer to? What are the words on the Brazil flag? What do they mean? If Prince Charles dies before Queen Elizabeth who will succeed to the throne? Prince Andrew? If so, after him, would his children be next in line for the throne? How did Canada achieve its sovereignty? Your site incorrectly lists Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It is not the officially recognized capital of Israel. Only two countries around the world, Guatemala and El Salvador, have recognized it as such. Countries such as the USA, Canada and all European nations only recognize Tel-Aviv as the capital and hence maintain their embassies there. Please change the reference to reflect Israel's proper capital. Thanks. What is the life expectancy in Libya and other North African countries? How many countries are in Africa? How many countries does the equator pass through? What country boasts the most dams? What country is bordered by the greatest number of other countries? How does the United States' 50 percent divorce rate compare with other countries in the world? Which EU members are using the euro as a currency? Could you please give me a list of all the EEC member countries? I was wondering if you know any famous people who were born in Berlin, Germany? I'm doing a report on the Czech Republic and I need recent newspaper articles about it or headline stories that relate to the country. Do you know where I can find them? What does G.M.T. stand for? Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Next › Last page Last » MoreFeaturesGamesPollsTimelinesQuizzes