/ Ask The Fact Monster / Language / Language Ask The Fact MonsterMore Questions Language Jump to a category: - Any -AnimalsArtsAstronomyAwardsCalendarCivicsCountriesFoodGeographyHistoryHumanityIndexInventionsLanguageLiteratureMathMiscellanyMoneyMoviesNaturePeoplePresidentsRace genderReligionScienceSportsTelevisionU.S. CitiesU.S. HistoryU.S. StatesU.S. StatisticsWeather I was wondering if you could suggest to me where I could find the Bangladesh language on the Internet or maybe even a book that might help. I seem to be coming up with nothing. What is the longest word in your dictionary? How many spoken languages are there in the world? Why is "mayday" used as a distress signal? What does "SOS" stand for? I've been told that Darth Vader's name in Star Wars means something in another language. Is that true? I'm not sure, but I think Alexander the Great said, "The die is cast." Please set me straight as to who, when, and where. Hello we would like to know what the letters r.s.v.p. stand for. We know what it means, but aren't sure what each letter stands for. Please help. What does "Sudoku" mean? We need to find out the meaning of the name Justin. We can't seem to find anything. Can you help? What does mise-en-scene mean? What are the five most common words in the English language? Is it correct to say "the chicken salad made me nauseous," meaning that it made me feel sick to my stomach? My friend says that this would mean that it made me disgusting. Is it true that orange, silver, and month are the only three English-language words without any rhymes? How often is a bimonthly meeting held? Why are policemen called "cops"? Could you tell me the origin of the phrase, "passing the buck?" What does the "p" in p-coat stand for? What do you call the metal thing at the end of the pencil that holds the eraser on? How did the petri dish get its name? What is the plural of octopus? Is it octopi or octopusses? Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Next page Next › Last page Last » MoreFeaturesGamesPollsTimelinesQuizzes