/ Ask The Fact Monster / Literature / Literature Ask The Fact MonsterMore Questions Literature Jump to a category: - Any -AnimalsArtsAstronomyAwardsCalendarCivicsCountriesFoodGeographyHistoryHumanityIndexInventionsLanguageLiteratureMathMiscellanyMoneyMoviesNaturePeoplePresidentsRace genderReligionScienceSportsTelevisionU.S. CitiesU.S. HistoryU.S. StatesU.S. StatisticsWeather Where does the quote "April is the cruelest month" come from? I'm looking for a Shakespeare quote that begins: Tongues in trees, . . . in brooks . . . Are there descendants of William Shakespeare alive today? Is Santa's reindeer named Donner or Donder? I am looking for the person who said, "All that is needed for evil to thrive is for good people to do nothing." I have searched Bartlett's Familiar Quotations online, but with no success. Can you provide me with the answer or refer me to another site perhaps? In a funeral scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral, a character reads a beautiful poem about the anger at a friend's death. Who is the author and what is the title of the poem? What is the origin of the often quoted phrase "living well is the best revenge"? I cannot find it anywhere! Fitzgerald? Elliot? The Windsors? Hemingway? Mae West? This is SO often quoted, it should surely have been documented. Can you help? Is there any type of English translation to Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky? Can you direct me to the site? What is the longest-running comic strip still in print? Who were the three sisters who turned those who looked at them into stone? I am trying to find out the author of "Mary Had A Little Lamb" for my daughter's school project. Can you please help? Who said "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus"? I've been trying to remember something about Greek mythology. Wasn't there a child of Zeus that grew from his head? If so, which child? MoreFeaturesGamesPollsTimelinesQuizzes