Members of Congress:
Biographies of U.S. representatives and senators from Pennsylvania
Member Name Birth Death
William Sutton MOORE, Congress, PA (1822-1877) 1822-1877
Howard MUTCHLER, Congress, PA (1859-1916) 1859-1916
Samuel John ATLEE, Congress, PA (1739-1786) 1739-1786
William Markle BERLIN, Congress, PA (1880-1962) 1880-1962
Henry Marie BRACKENRIDGE, Congress, PA (1786-1871) 1786-1871
John Conrad BUCHER, Congress, PA (1792-1851) 1792-1851
Henry Burd CASSEL, Congress, PA (1855-1926) 1855-1926
Daniel Ward CONNOLLY, Congress, PA (1847-1894) 1847-1894
William Constantine CULBERTSON, Congress, PA (1825-1906) 1825-1906
Charles DENISON, Congress, PA (1818-1867) 1818-1867
Alexander THOMSON, Congress, PA (1788-1848) 1788-1848
John Winfield WALLACE, Congress, PA (1818-1889) 1818-1889
Lawrence Gordon WILLIAMS, Congress, PA (1913-1975) 1913-1975
Adam Martin WYANT, Congress, PA (1869-1935) 1869-1935
Joseph Benton DONLEY, Congress, PA (1838-1917) 1838-1917
Constantine Jacob ERDMAN, Congress, PA (1846-1911) 1846-1911
Thomas Birch FLORENCE, Congress, PA (1812-1875) 1812-1875
Fred Christian GARTNER, Congress, PA (1896-1972) 1896-1972
Joseph Anthony GRAY, Congress, PA (1884-1966) 1884-1966
John Andre HANNA, Congress, PA (1762-1805) 1762-1805