Campaign 2004: Primaries and Caucuses

Caucuses and primary elections are ways for the general public to participate in nominating presidential candidates.
At a caucus, local party members gather to nominate a candidate. Caucuses are typically lively events at which party members and activists debate issues and consider candidates. The rules governing caucus procedures vary by party and by state.
A primary is more like a general election. Voters go to the polls to cast their votes for a presidential candidate (or delegates who will represent that candidate at the party convention). A primary is the main way voters choose a nominee.
Note: As of March 11, 2004, John Kerry had earned enough delegates to clinch the Democratic nomination. Results for Democratic primaries and caucuses held after March 2004 may not be widely reported.
Results: John Kerry, 38%; John Edwards, 32%; Howard Dean, 18%; Dick Gephardt, 11%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%; Al Sharpton, 0%
Notes: Clark and Lieberman did not campaign in Iowa; Dick Gephardt dropped out of the race on Jan. 20.
Results: John Kerry, 39%; Howard Dean, 26%; Wesley Clark, 12%; John Edwards, 12%; Joe Lieberman, 9%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%; Al Sharpton, 0%
Results: John Kerry, 43%; Wesley Clark, 27%; Howard Dean, 14%; John Edwards, 7%; Joe Lieberman, 7%; Dennis Kucinich, 2%; Al Sharpton, 0%
Delaware - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 50%; John Edwards, 11%; Joe Lieberman, 11%; Howard Dean, 10%; Wesley Clark, 10%; Al Sharpton, 6%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%
Missouri - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 51%; John Edwards, 25%; Howard Dean, 9%; Wesley Clark, 4%; Joe Lieberman, 4%; Al Sharpton, 3%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%
New Mexico - Presidential Caucuses
Results: John Kerry, 42%; Wesley Clark, 21%; Howard Dean, 16%; John Edwards, 11%; Dennis Kucinich, 5%; Joe Lieberman, 3%
North Dakota - Presidential Caucuses
Results: John Kerry, 50%; Wesley Clark, 24%; Howard Dean, 12%; John Edwards, 10%; Dennis Kucinich, 3%; Joe Lieberman, 1%; Al Sharpton, 0%
Oklahoma - Presidential Primary
Results: Wesley Clark, 30%; John Edwards, 30%; John Kerry, 27%; Joe Lieberman, 6%; Howard Dean, 4%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%; Al Sharpton, 1%
South Carolina - Presidential Primary
Results: John Edwards, 45%; John Kerry, 30%; Al Sharpton, 10%; Wesley Clark, 7%; Howard Dean, 5%; Joe Lieberman, 2%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%
Notes: Lieberman dropped out of the race on February 3.
Results: John Kerry, 52%; Howard Dean, 17%; John Edwards, 13%; Al Sharpton, 7%; Wesley Clark, 7%; Dennis Kucinich, 3%
Washington - Democratic Presidential Caucuses
Results: John Kerry, 48%; Howard Dean, 30%; Dennis Kucinich, 8%; John Edwards, 7%; Wesley Clark, 3%; Al Sharpton, 1%
Results: John Kerry, 45%; Howard Dean, 27%; Dennis Kucinich, 16% John Edwards, 8%; Wesley Clark, 4%; Al Sharpton, 1%
Results: John Kerry, 41%; John Edwards, 27%; Wesley Clark, 23%; Howard Dean, 4%; Al Sharpton, 2%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%
Virginia - Democratic Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 52%; John Edwards, 27%; Wesley Clark, 9%; Howard Dean, 7%; Al Sharpton, 3%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%
Notes: Clark dropped out of the race on February 9.
Results: John Kerry, 47%; Al Sharpton, 20%; Howard Dean, 17%; John Edwards, 10%; Dennis Kucinich, 3%
Nevada - Presidential Caucuses
Results: John Kerry, 63%; Howard Dean, 17%; John Edwards, 10%; Dennis Kucinich, 7%; Al Sharpton, 1%
Results: John Kerry, 40%; John Edwards, 34%; Howard Dean, 18%; Dennis Kucinich, 3%; Al Sharpton, 2%
Notes: Dean dropped out of the race on February 18.
Results: John Kerry, 50%; Dennis Kucinich, 26%; John Edwards, 14%; Howard Dean, 9%
Idaho - Presidential Caucuses
Results: John Kerry, 54%; John Edwards, 22%; Howard Dean, 11%; Dennis Kucinich, 6%
Utah - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 55%; John Edwards, 30%; Dennis Kucinich, 7%; Howard Dean, 4%; Al Sharpton, 0%
Results: John Kerry, 64%; John Edwards, 20%; Dennis Kucinich, 5%; Howard Dean, 4%; Al Sharpton, 2%
Connecticut - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 58%; John Edwards, 24%; Dennis Kucinich, 4%; Howard Dean, 3%; Al Sharpton, 3%
Georgia - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 47%; John Edwards, 42%; Al Sharpton, 6%; Dennis Kucinich, 2%; Howard Dean, 1%
Maryland - Presidential & State Primary
Results: John Kerry, 60%; John Edwards, 26%; Al Sharpton, 4%; Dennis Kucinich, 3%; Howard Dean, 1%
Massachusetts - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 72%; John Edwards, 18%; Dennis Kucinich, 4%; Howard Dean, 3%; Al Sharpton, 1%
Minnesota - Presidential Caucuses
Results: John Kerry, 51%; John Edwards, 27%; Dennis Kucinich, 17%; Howard Dean, 2%; Al Sharpton, 1%
New York - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 61%; John Edwards, 20%; Al Sharpton, 8%; Dennis Kucinich, 5%; Howard Dean, 3%
Ohio - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 52%; John Edwards, 34%; Dennis Kucinich, 9%; Howard Dean, 3%
Rhode Island - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 71%; John Edwards, 19%; Dennis Kucinich, 4%; Howard Dean, 3%
Vermont - Presidential Primary
Results: Howard Dean, 58%; John Kerry, 34%; Dennis Kucinich, 4%
Notes: Edwards dropped out of the race on March 3.
Results: Not yet available.
Results: John Kerry, 77%; John Edwards, 10%; Al Sharpton, 3%; Howard Dean, 3%; Dennis Kucinich, 2%
Louisiana - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 70%; John Edwards, 16%; Howard Dean, 5%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%
Mississippi - Presidential Primary
Results: John Kerry, 78%; John Edwards, 7%; Al Sharpton, 5%; Howard Dean, 3%; Dennis Kucinich, 1%
Texas - Presidential & State Primaries
Results: John Kerry, 67%; John Edwards, 14%; Howard Dean, 5%; Al Sharpton, 4%; Dennis Kucinich, 2%
Results: John Kerry, 72%; Dennis Kucinich, 10%; John Edwards, 9%; Howard Dean, 7%; Wesley Clark, 1%
Results: John Kerry, 72%; John Edwards, 11%; Howard Dean, 4%; Al Sharpton, 3%; Dennis Kucinich, 2%; Joe Lieberman, 2%; Wesley Clark, 1%
Results: John Kerry, 48%; Dennis Kucinich, 26%; Howard Dean, 11%; John Edwards, 3%
Guam - Presidential Caucuses
Results: Not yet available.
Wyoming - Presidential Caucuses
Results: John Kerry, 77%; Dennis Kucinich, 6%; John Edwards, 4%; Howard Dean, 3%
Results: Not yet available.
Results: Not yet available.
Results: John Kerry, 74%; Howard Dean, 10%; John Edwards, 10%; Dennis Kucinich, 4%
North Carolina - Presidential & State Primaries
West Virginia - Presidential & State Primary
Kentucky - Presidential & State Primaries
Oregon - Presidential & State Primary
South Dakota — Presidential & State Primary
New Jersey — Presidential & State Primaries
Source: Democratic National Committee
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