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Displaying 451 - 460

Huila, Nevado del

(Encyclopedia) Huila, Nevado delHuila, Nevado delnāväˈdō dĕl hwēˈlä [key], snow-capped volcanic mountain, 17,594 ft (5,364 m) high, on the Huila-Tolima-Cauca dept. border, S central Colombia, in the…


(Encyclopedia) Hanko Hanko hängˈkō [key] or Hangö Hanko hängˈö…


(Encyclopedia) JökulsáJökulsáyöˈkülsou [key], name of several Icelandic rivers formed by glaciers. The best known is the Jökulsá á Fjöllum, which rises on the north slope of the Vatnajökull in SE…

Jahnn, Hans Henny

(Encyclopedia) Jahnn, Hans HennyJahnn, Hans Hennyhäns hĕnˈē yän [key], 1894–1959, German novelist, dramatist, music publisher, and organ builder. Jahnn's early dramas, including Pastor Ephraim Magnus…


(Encyclopedia) NamibNamibnäˈmĭb [key], desert, c.800 mi (1,290 km) long and from 30 to 100 mi (50–160 km) wide, SW Africa, along the coast of Namibia. It occupies a rocky platform between the…

Maiden Castle

(Encyclopedia) Maiden Castle, prehistoric fortress, Dorset, S England, near Dorchester. The finest earthwork in the British Isles, c.120 acres (50 hectares) in area, is there. Two sets of large-scale…

London Bridge

(Encyclopedia) London Bridge, granite, five-arched bridge formerly over the Thames, in London, England. It is 928 ft (283 m) long and was designed by John Rennie and built between 1824 and 1831. The…

Krag, Jens Otto

(Encyclopedia) Krag, Jens OttoKrag, Jens Ottoyĕns ôˈtō kräkh [key], 1914–78, Danish political leader. A Social Democrat, he entered parliament in 1947 and played a leading role in shaping Denmark's…


(Encyclopedia) KarstKarstkärst [key], Ital. Carso, Slovenian Kras, limestone plateau, W Slovenia, N of Istria and extending c.50 mi (80 km) SE from the lower Isonzo (Soča) valley between the Bay of…


(Encyclopedia) BangweuluBangweulubăngˌw&oomacr;ˈl&oomacr; [key] or BangweoloBangweolo–wēōˈlō [key], lake and swamps, c.3,800 sq mi (9,840 sq km), NE Zambia. The lake is c.50 mi (80 km) long…