PAUL, John, (son of John Paul [1839-1901]), a Representative from Virginia; born in Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, Va., December 9, 1883; attended private and public schools; was graduated…
PAUL, John, (father of John Paul [1883-1964]), a Representative from Virginia; born in Rockingham County, Va., June 30, 1839; attended the common schools and Roanoke College, Salem, Va.;…
PAUL, John, (father of John Paul [1883-1964]), a Representative from Virginia; born in Rockingham County, Va., June 30, 1839; attended the common schools and Roanoke College, Salem, Va.; during…
PAUL, Ronald Ernest, (father of Rand Paul), a Representative from Texas; born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., August 20, 1935; graduated from Dormont High School, Dormont, Pa., 1953; B.A…
(Encyclopedia) golden calf, in the Bible, an idol erected by the Israelites on several occasions. Aaron made one while Moses was on Mt. Sinai. Jeroboam I made two, and Hosea denounced a calf in…
(Encyclopedia) Hebrews, an anonymous New Testament homily with closing greetings normally associated with the letter genre, written before c.a.d. 96. It is addressed to Jewish Christians who were…