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PAUL, John, Congress, VA (1883-1964)

PAUL, John, (son of John Paul [1839-1901]), a Representative from Virginia; born in Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, Va., December 9, 1883; attended private and public schools; was graduated…

John PAUL, Congress, VA (1839-1901)

PAUL, John, (father of John Paul [1883-1964]), a Representative from Virginia; born in Rockingham County, Va., June 30, 1839; attended the common schools and Roanoke College, Salem, Va.;…

PAUL, John, Congress, VA (1839-1901)

PAUL, John, (father of John Paul [1883-1964]), a Representative from Virginia; born in Rockingham County, Va., June 30, 1839; attended the common schools and Roanoke College, Salem, Va.; during…

Ronald Ernest PAUL, Congress, TX (1935)

PAUL, Ronald Ernest, (father of Rand Paul), a Representative from Texas; born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., August 20, 1935; graduated from Dormont High School, Dormont, Pa., 1953; B.A…

golden calf

(Encyclopedia) golden calf, in the Bible, an idol erected by the Israelites on several occasions. Aaron made one while Moses was on Mt. Sinai. Jeroboam I made two, and Hosea denounced a calf in…


(Encyclopedia) IthamarIthamarĭthˈəmär [key], in the Bible, son of Aaron.


(Encyclopedia) ElizaphanElizaphanēlĭzˈəfăn, ĕlĭzāˈ– [key]. In the Bible, Aaron's cousin. An alternate spelling is Elzaphan.


(Encyclopedia) BukkiBukkibŭkˈī [key], in the Bible. 1 Descendant of Aaron. 2 Danite.

Hebrews, book of the New Testament

(Encyclopedia) Hebrews, an anonymous New Testament homily with closing greetings normally associated with the letter genre, written before c.a.d. 96. It is addressed to Jewish Christians who were…