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McCulloch v. Maryland

(Encyclopedia) McCulloch v. Maryland, case decided in 1819 by the U.S. Supreme Court, dealing specifically with the constitutionality of a Congress-chartered corporation, and more generally with the…

People in Groups

Aristocracy: A society or group of people ruled by the upper class. Democracy: A form of government in which the people hold power. People can either exercise the power or elect officials to do so…


(Encyclopedia) president, in modern republics, the chief executive and, therefore, the highest officer in a government. Many nations of the world, including the United States, France, Germany, India…

Open Door

(Encyclopedia) Open Door, maintenance in a certain territory of equal commercial and industrial rights for the nationals of all countries. As a specific policy, it was first advanced by the United…


(Encyclopedia) HelenusHelenushĕlˈənəs [key], in Greek mythology, Trojan who was gifted with prophetic powers; son of Priam and Hecuba. When Helen was given to Deiphobus after the death of Paris,…

Hogg, James Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Hogg, James Stephen, 1851–1906, governor of Texas (1891–95), b. Cherokee co., Tex. He was admitted (1875) to the Texas bar, and was county attorney (1879–81), district attorney (1881–…

Joseph, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) Joseph, 1714–77, king of Portugal (1750–77), son and successor of John V. Little inclined to rule, his reign was dominated by his minister, the marquês de Pombal. After Lisbon was…

Aukrust, Olav

(Encyclopedia) Aukrust, OlavAukrust, Olavōˈläv ouˈkr&oobreve;st [key], 1883–1929, Norwegian lyric poet. Aukrust's work, which contains strong religious and nationalist sentiment, draws much of…

Migingo Islands

(Encyclopedia) Migingo Islands, small, rocky islands in Lake Victoria, E Africa, off Kenya north of the Tanzanian border. The group consists of Migingo, Ugingo, and Pyramid Island. According to a…


(Encyclopedia) lareslareslârˈēz [key], in Roman religion, guardian spirits. According to some they were ghosts of the dead, destructive spirits who frequented crossroads and had to be propitiated.…