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Reyes, Rafael

(Encyclopedia) Reyes, RafaelReyes, Rafaelräfäĕlˈ rāˈyās [key], 1850–1921, president of Colombia (1904–9). As a young man, he explored the upper Amazon wilderness with his brother. Later he…

Ramgoolam, Navinchandra

(Encyclopedia) Ramgoolam, Navinchandra, 1947–, Mauritian political leader, prime minister of Mauritius, (1995–2000, 2005–14), son of of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam. A doctor, he practiced medicine from…

The Nano: World's Cheapest Car

The tiny Nano sedan costs only $2,500 by Beth Rowen The Tata Nano Standard Version Related Links India World's Most Populous Countries…

Seneca Falls Declaration (1848)

The convention at Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848, was organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, two Quakers whose concern for women's rights was aroused when Mott, as a woman,…

Algebra: Get Your Operations in Order

Get Your Operations in Order Algebra Encountering Expressions Introducing Variables Translating Words into Math Behold the Power of Exponents Living Large with Scientific Notation Dastardly…

The Supreme Court: Killing Gun Control

Killing Gun ControlThe Supreme CourtSeparating Government PowersWho's in Control—the States or the Federal Government?Killing Gun ControlSupporting Family LeaveAccepting Homosexuality…

Article I

Section 1[Legislative powers vested in Congress.] All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of…

About the Articles of Confederation (1776)

Source: The U.S. Government Printing Office After winning its independence from Great Britain in the Revolutionary War, the new country situated on the eastern seaboard of North America needed to…

DK Science: Lasers

HOLOGRAMLASER LIGHT SHOWFIND OUT MORESome beams of light are powerful enough to cut through metal. Others are precise enough to use for delicate surgery on people’s bodies. These remarkable…

DK Science: Generators

WIND TURBINEHOW AN ALTERNATOR WORKS 1HOW AN ALTERNATOR WORKS 2WIND FARMFIND OUT MOREGenerators convert energy from such sources as oil, gas, and wind into electrical energy. Like motors, they use…